Monday, April 5, 2010

More Now Than Ever Draw Near.

It seems after a celebration when the crowds disappear we can sink into unhealthy places. It is always easier to follow the crowds. This includes the congregational worshiper,who seems to visibly love the Lord in the presence of others. Yet after the event they becomes silent not just because we can't see them but silent in reality.
Have we learned to love Him in solitude? If my love for another is only expressed when others can see it can I call that love? My wife would not stand for that. Then what would make us think that God is not wanting attention from us when we are alone. In fact it is the moments when we are alone with our love that we become most intimate with them. This should be true of our time with the Lord. It is in these time He reveals secrets to those He trusts. Consider the quiet times you have. Have you made Him the key part of those moments? Or do you curl up in a book or tv show? Perhaps you use that time to surf the web. We don't have to be doing bad things to miss this special time with Him.
I am not saying every quiet time should be prayer time. Yet we need to question the habits good an bad that we have become acclimated to, and challenge ourselves to go deeper in our love with Him. You will find yourself more prepared for time with others after you have spent time with the Lord.
It is hard to not love the ones you pray over and for. We need to learn to speak in these times with the Lord concerning others, before we rush out to others to talk about the Lord. A pre-prayer-d man is not easily provoked.
The Lord would come faithfully in the cool of the morning just to walk alone with Adam. And since he is no respecter of persons Not only would he set aside daily time with us too, He actually desires (craves) it more than we do.

Now Draw near to God, cleanse your hands and your hearts from sin, and be not double-minded but focus on him in that time, for in doing so He then will draw nearer to you.. James 4:8 (translation mine)

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