Monday, September 6, 2010

Change Is In the Air.

Hello friends
It's been a while since I have written anything of real content on my blog. I have done this because I have been watching and listening to the news and the people. To see what their reactions are and to what the Lord is allowing in the earth. Many people write and speak from a reactionary position rather than from a place of revelation. I too can react but I try to listen to what the Spirit is saying and not my own emotions and feelings concerning a moment or event. There has been over the last several years a cry in the spirit one of change. It seems that change is the standard of this time. Although change must come, change itself must not be the primary issue in our walk right now. In fact it is not a change in the externals that the Lord is trying to cause to take place in the body of Christ. Rather a change in the internals of the hearts of His believers. This type of change will literally cause a change to the environment as well, but that is not to be it's origin. Many of us have heard the Spirits cry to change, and are working hard to bring about change externally or in the natural realm. In doing so we believe we are doing the will of the Lord. However this is not the will of the Lord he does not desire us to bring about an external change first.  He desires to see the heart of his children grow after his own heart. And then from there the actions of his people will bring about an external change based on His desires.

Sometimes it's easy to hear the word and then try to make it come to pass. This is what happened with Abraham. Abraham heard from God concerning that he would have a child. This child would literally inherit all of Abraham's possession as well as follow Abraham's purpose. This promise delayed for years and as a result of Abraham's impatience he and his wife believed they could bring this promise about a different way. For even though God had clearly said Sarai would bring forth the child. Abraham listened to his wife when she said perhaps it's my maidservant who will bring this child forth. I'm not saying this to criticize Abraham or Sarai this is actually something we all do. We get into this place where we want to see the word of God come to pass so strongly that we're willing to help him out. As if God needed our help we begin to plan out things and then act upon those thoughts to make the word of God so to speak come to pass in the way that we thought it was supposed to. This is why so many times when God has spoken, his people actually miss what he means. A great example of this is the birth of Christ. For when Christ came on the earth his own people didn't even recognize him. This was due to the fact that their traditions (religion) had taught them that when The Christ comes  He would fit their description.. Yet when he did arrive his true form contradicted the one that they held in their minds. As a result they rejected the true Christ when he arrived.

The same is happening even now. There is a call of change in the body of Christ. Many have and still are hearing it even as they are reading this right now. This creates an expectancy of desire to see that which is promised. It also creates an environment of danger if we're not careful.

Yet in this God is dealing with all of his people, this includes leaders as well as laypersons. But knowing that God is bringing about  change and knowing what the change is, does not give us the right to get ahead of God. It is in His timing that He will bring the change. Many who are anxious in spirit to see these things come to pass may read this and even see this message as a desire to control others. But I have no desire to control my desire is true liberty. For I do know that change outside of timing will not take us into freedom but it will lead us to a new bondage. For if we wait upon the Lord to bring about the change he is speaking of and then we will taste the goodness of his freedom.

Some of this is hard to write because of many friends in the church and ministry ( of which there should be no separation between the two). As so many of them may become offended because they're either on one side or the other of this message at this time. Change is coming to the body of Christ this will not be stopped. But not as much as a change from, but rather a change to. The emphasis is not on where he's taking us out of, but the emphasis needs to be on where he's taking us into. You see this is the problem of most people who are living in one form of the bondage or another. Just like a drug addict or an alcoholic who want so badly to be free from his addiction. He can only see being free. So much that often one doesn't understand if he doesn't decide where to be in freedom to he may end up in a place worse than the place he is currently in. This is what we mean by being out of the frying pan into the fire. So it is important to not only want to change but to know how to change, and know the result the change then will be.
So while we are quick right now to perhaps want to speak against the leaders. We need to remember some basic elements that are truths. It is never right to speak against brothers publicly in a spirit of haughtiness or arrogance. We only need look in the bible and see one like  Moses who was correct in his response when the Lord was ready to wipe everything out and start over which just him. Moses resisted this and took the position of humility as he pleaded on behalf of those that were out of order, asking for the Lord to have Mercy on them. I'm not hearing this cry ( of intercession for mercy and grace) in the people of God today I'm hearing pride, I'm hearing arrogance.

If we knew the Lord's heart, if we understood his love then we would know his love never fails for he is always relentless in his love towards us. This is not based on how good we are or how much we please him we could never fill that. This is a decision that the Lord has made himself to continue to love us. Another characteristic of his love is that his love is always restoring. He is looking for the ways to bring all men back to himself. So much talk of judgment hell and damnation, true these things are in the Scriptures. But these are not the desires of the father's heart. He tells us his desire is that no one would perish. If we understood this. Because the father's nature is to also be in us. Since he desires for no one to perish than this thought should be echoed in us His children. I don't know where you stand as you're hearing these words.but I do know this is his heart. We have all been hurt by people and we will all continue to be hurt before we leave this earth. This is why we must learn Grace (learn is not the best word) the better one is we must become Grace to the people.

Being and doing sometimes gets mixed up in our thoughts. Many of us think that doing the right things makes us right. But it is the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all unrighteousness, not our works. They are like filthy rags. Scriptures are clear on these things. It seems like we don't believe it.

  I can go on and on with thoughts that are running through me right now in this blog. That  wouldn't make much sense if I did that. However I don't want to close this with a complete thought. I want to leave you in a way that you are not left with a complete answer to what's going on in your life today. But more so with a question, one in which you would ask of the Lord to guide you so that you may remain on the path of his will. That might seem odd to you because most ministers want to give you a complete message. One that leaves you without thinking and sort of programs you much like a robot. This is not in me to speak or write in a way that would become a control for you. But that I would speak in a way that would stir you to hunger for righteousness for this hunger I know he will feed.

I pray God opens your eyes to your heart. That you may see what is his clear will. Not swallowing every message that man speaks but also not to rebel When you don't hear the full truth. If you become Grace and you become Truth and you become Love this is what the world needs. This is what your workplace needs. This is what your family needs. This is what we all need. Let it begin with us and let it spread like a wildfire.

For then we truly would be doing the will of God because we have become the will of God. In this place his will is unstoppable.

God Bless

Another Brother In Christ

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