Saturday, November 6, 2010

Honest Scales Are From The Lord

Honest Scales Are From The Lord

Differing weights and differing measurs the Lord Detests them all.  Proverbs 20:10

We are living in a time when knowledge has increased. Sadly the equal measure of this knowledge and its expression is not evident. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that this imbalance is an abomination before the Lord. Proverbs 16:11 reads, “Honest scales and balances are from the Lord; all the weights in the bag are of his making.” Chapter 20:10, 23 reads, “Differing weights and differing measures — the Lord detests them both.” V23, “The Lord detests differing weights, and dishonest scales do not please him.” The Lord is not satisfied with the imbalance of knowledge that has come to the Body of Christ and the expression of that knowledge in the lives of His people. God detests imbalance!

I don’t claim to be a prophet or a son of a prophet, but one thing I am sure of; I do have the spirit of prophecy. You do too. You may ask, “What is the spirit of prophecy? In Revelation, our Brother ]ohn was on the is land of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of jesus. Revelation 19:1 says, “At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ” Revelation 6:9 reads, “l saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the Word of God and the testimony they had maintained? Revelation 12:11 and 17 reads, “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;” V17, “. . . those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of ]esus."

We have stepped through the threshold of change, change of ministry and ministers. For too long, “professional” ministry has controlled, limited, and frustrated the increase of Christ in God’s people. What is “professional” ministry? It is ministry that has used God’s people for its own interest, position and finances. In Matthew 2.3:13 the Lord said to the Pharisees and Scribes, “You do not enter into the kingdom and you don’t allow those who are trying to enter either.” He considered them as blind leading the blind.

There is a fire of jealousy burning in my spirit for God’s people. I declare to you, change is coming and is here now! The Spirit of prophecy that works within us is giving evidence confirmed by His word that He is raising up His people, not professional ministers, for this last great harvest.

Our Lord and Savior will not be denied the fruit of His travail. The evidence of this change is paramount throughout God’s Word. If you allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse your spiritual eyes, to see as He sees, you willglorify the Lord.

The book of Judges is one example of this change. We all know that during this time Israel went through ups and downs, blessings and cursings. Judges 6:1 reads, “Israel did evil in the sight of God” and therefore they were reaping the consequences. As you continue reading you will notice God sent a prophet to Israel but they did not obey and calamity came to them. Let’s focus on a particular individual, Gideon. He was neither a prophet nor a king but a vessel through which God brought forth His interest, His desire. II Chronicles 16:9 reads, “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” In judges 6 we see Gideon hiding while threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites and the angel of the Lord comes down to observe this young man. As the Holy Spirit opens this event we must ask ourselves what is it that drew the angel of the Lord from the unseen into the seen, from out of time into time. This is very critical to understand for us today. God never changes; He is the same yesterday, today and forever. It was the interest of God working in the heart of Gideon that caught the attention of God and drew Him to bring these words to Gideon, "Mighty man of valor." He speaks to Gideon and tells him to deliver Israel. For you see, the state of Israel was not what God wanted at that particular time. Gideon knew in his heart that there was something wrong with the situation of the chosen people of God.

The Holy Spirit has confirmed this same situation throughout the U.S. and Latin America. The state of the church in these countries is not what God desires. There is no doubt a separation is coming, we must be aware of it. Millions of dollars have been spent on programs and buildings yet the Body of Christ is famished, hungry and thirsty for Jesus Christ. I believe the responsibility lies in us to recognize and to do something about the condition of the Body of Christ throughout this world. As you follow the story of Gideon you will see how God separates those who are fearful and those who are more concerned with their own interest when He takes them to the river to drink. lt is only those that are caught with the same interest as Gideon that God uses. I'm here to tell you that God is looking for those who have recognized, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the tremendous need in God’s people. God is raising up a new ministry. Everything God has used in the past that no longer produces His desire or brings satisfaction to Him, He will set aside. Remember, the Lord also desires to be satisfied. He looked at a tree thinking He would find Fruit. Approaching the tree, He didn’t find anything to satisiy His hunger . . . He cursed it and set it aside. This is what has happened to "professional" ministries who look out for their own interest and not the interest of the Lord, I emphasize, Gideon was not a prophet or a king but a judge. God is moving in the same way again, He is raising up his people to bring justice into the Body of Christ, for justice begins in the house of God. The measuring scales are within us, for it is Christ our Lord who is the standard and the measure. I speak to you as one who loves the Lord with all my heart and I know you do too. Let the Holy Spirit illuminate your understanding by the spirit of wisdom and revelation.

This article is the English Version of a message from another brothers blog you can find in the link below. If you have been ministered to by this message please share the following with those who Speak and read English. God Bless. 


Monday, November 1, 2010

This is an answer to the common Question Are all Religions Equal!

Are all Religions Equal take 6 minutes to discover the truth.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

This is an answer to the common Question Are all Religions Equal!

Watch Are all religions equal in Educational & How-To  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Saturday, October 23, 2010

He Is Still Looking.

As we continue in this time period which is unique to His-Story. A time when men struggle to be men and women desire to be what the media tells them men are. As children hold to the fairy tales hoping for a home of dreams. Where is the anchor for us in this time of storm? Who is holding the banner lifted high for the others to see and run in for refuge? The earth shakes violently from the disasters that occur some natural some man made. The people cower looking for a place to rest but no rest comes. Who will take the fallen banner and lift it along with the ones who have fallen and raise them to the height where they belong. Who will stand for truth so the lies will be exposed and then can fall to the ground? Who will bring the healing to a world in cries for health? Who will provide love in the places it seems time forgot? Will we wake from our medicated states of slumber, from our material induced forms of peace? To a place of discontent with the world and all it has to offer. Will we put away the things of our childhood to take on the things of a mature man of God? Who???

2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not

He is still looking....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Living To Please Him

In this day of enlightenment and knowledge of our Lord and His desire it saddens me to realize that many of us have yet to embrace the truth whereby we are now to live for Him. Look at the scripture in 2 Corinthians where we are told : "And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him that died for them and was raised again" I often wonder what people do with scriptures like these when they come across them. Do they cut them out so they can act like it's not in the bibles they read? or do they just view scriptures as suggestions as opposed to commands? This is not an isolated thought the scriptures tells us this over an over like in 1 John 2:6 Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did. The verses don't need to be explained so there is no way to misrepresent them. They can be elaborated on but they are already clear in themselves. Read them seperate or in context and what they say is not changed. We are also told that we no longer own our selves we have been purchased with a price. Telling us that he now owns us and doesn't the owner decide what to do with what he owns?

Too many of us are more interested in trying to make the bible say what we want to hear instead of letting the bible reshape us into what He desires. This makes it clear who we are serving. If we should no longer live for ourselves then why do we continue defend private pleasures that are clear to be contradicting to seeking what he desires over what we desire?

Now I can go on with this but if one must be convinced beyond the simplicity of the truth itself I question the response then to it. The question now isn't what he desires as much as, Am I desiring his pleasure over mine? Which if it is not a resounding yes then this should stir a new question in me and that being, why not? If my desire comes first then this means I am more important to me than the Lord, in essence I am lord.

Remember Satan lies, counterfeits, and a perverts the truth. As a liar He just directly refutes the truth. As counterfeiter He gets us to live the truth out of duty removing love from the equation. As a perverter he can take the truth which is selfless and cause it to become self serving. In this thought he will impress on us since Gods thoughts towards us are more than ours towards Him and His desire is for our good. We can just do that which please self and assume it pleases God. Kinda like lets cut out the middleman. I think you can see where this would take us.

So the real question here is where am I in relation to the the Truth. The holy spirit reveals truth to us. And His word is a lamp unto our feet as well as a light unto our path. If I let the Holy Spirit He will through revelation of Truth show me both where I am and where I should be. All I need to do is ask and then submit to the truth revealed.

May you be blessed as you grow in Christ, So much that he is fully Expressed in all you are.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Change Is In the Air.

Hello friends
It's been a while since I have written anything of real content on my blog. I have done this because I have been watching and listening to the news and the people. To see what their reactions are and to what the Lord is allowing in the earth. Many people write and speak from a reactionary position rather than from a place of revelation. I too can react but I try to listen to what the Spirit is saying and not my own emotions and feelings concerning a moment or event. There has been over the last several years a cry in the spirit one of change. It seems that change is the standard of this time. Although change must come, change itself must not be the primary issue in our walk right now. In fact it is not a change in the externals that the Lord is trying to cause to take place in the body of Christ. Rather a change in the internals of the hearts of His believers. This type of change will literally cause a change to the environment as well, but that is not to be it's origin. Many of us have heard the Spirits cry to change, and are working hard to bring about change externally or in the natural realm. In doing so we believe we are doing the will of the Lord. However this is not the will of the Lord he does not desire us to bring about an external change first.  He desires to see the heart of his children grow after his own heart. And then from there the actions of his people will bring about an external change based on His desires.

Sometimes it's easy to hear the word and then try to make it come to pass. This is what happened with Abraham. Abraham heard from God concerning that he would have a child. This child would literally inherit all of Abraham's possession as well as follow Abraham's purpose. This promise delayed for years and as a result of Abraham's impatience he and his wife believed they could bring this promise about a different way. For even though God had clearly said Sarai would bring forth the child. Abraham listened to his wife when she said perhaps it's my maidservant who will bring this child forth. I'm not saying this to criticize Abraham or Sarai this is actually something we all do. We get into this place where we want to see the word of God come to pass so strongly that we're willing to help him out. As if God needed our help we begin to plan out things and then act upon those thoughts to make the word of God so to speak come to pass in the way that we thought it was supposed to. This is why so many times when God has spoken, his people actually miss what he means. A great example of this is the birth of Christ. For when Christ came on the earth his own people didn't even recognize him. This was due to the fact that their traditions (religion) had taught them that when The Christ comes  He would fit their description.. Yet when he did arrive his true form contradicted the one that they held in their minds. As a result they rejected the true Christ when he arrived.

The same is happening even now. There is a call of change in the body of Christ. Many have and still are hearing it even as they are reading this right now. This creates an expectancy of desire to see that which is promised. It also creates an environment of danger if we're not careful.

Yet in this God is dealing with all of his people, this includes leaders as well as laypersons. But knowing that God is bringing about  change and knowing what the change is, does not give us the right to get ahead of God. It is in His timing that He will bring the change. Many who are anxious in spirit to see these things come to pass may read this and even see this message as a desire to control others. But I have no desire to control my desire is true liberty. For I do know that change outside of timing will not take us into freedom but it will lead us to a new bondage. For if we wait upon the Lord to bring about the change he is speaking of and then we will taste the goodness of his freedom.

Some of this is hard to write because of many friends in the church and ministry ( of which there should be no separation between the two). As so many of them may become offended because they're either on one side or the other of this message at this time. Change is coming to the body of Christ this will not be stopped. But not as much as a change from, but rather a change to. The emphasis is not on where he's taking us out of, but the emphasis needs to be on where he's taking us into. You see this is the problem of most people who are living in one form of the bondage or another. Just like a drug addict or an alcoholic who want so badly to be free from his addiction. He can only see being free. So much that often one doesn't understand if he doesn't decide where to be in freedom to he may end up in a place worse than the place he is currently in. This is what we mean by being out of the frying pan into the fire. So it is important to not only want to change but to know how to change, and know the result the change then will be.
So while we are quick right now to perhaps want to speak against the leaders. We need to remember some basic elements that are truths. It is never right to speak against brothers publicly in a spirit of haughtiness or arrogance. We only need look in the bible and see one like  Moses who was correct in his response when the Lord was ready to wipe everything out and start over which just him. Moses resisted this and took the position of humility as he pleaded on behalf of those that were out of order, asking for the Lord to have Mercy on them. I'm not hearing this cry ( of intercession for mercy and grace) in the people of God today I'm hearing pride, I'm hearing arrogance.

If we knew the Lord's heart, if we understood his love then we would know his love never fails for he is always relentless in his love towards us. This is not based on how good we are or how much we please him we could never fill that. This is a decision that the Lord has made himself to continue to love us. Another characteristic of his love is that his love is always restoring. He is looking for the ways to bring all men back to himself. So much talk of judgment hell and damnation, true these things are in the Scriptures. But these are not the desires of the father's heart. He tells us his desire is that no one would perish. If we understood this. Because the father's nature is to also be in us. Since he desires for no one to perish than this thought should be echoed in us His children. I don't know where you stand as you're hearing these words.but I do know this is his heart. We have all been hurt by people and we will all continue to be hurt before we leave this earth. This is why we must learn Grace (learn is not the best word) the better one is we must become Grace to the people.

Being and doing sometimes gets mixed up in our thoughts. Many of us think that doing the right things makes us right. But it is the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all unrighteousness, not our works. They are like filthy rags. Scriptures are clear on these things. It seems like we don't believe it.

  I can go on and on with thoughts that are running through me right now in this blog. That  wouldn't make much sense if I did that. However I don't want to close this with a complete thought. I want to leave you in a way that you are not left with a complete answer to what's going on in your life today. But more so with a question, one in which you would ask of the Lord to guide you so that you may remain on the path of his will. That might seem odd to you because most ministers want to give you a complete message. One that leaves you without thinking and sort of programs you much like a robot. This is not in me to speak or write in a way that would become a control for you. But that I would speak in a way that would stir you to hunger for righteousness for this hunger I know he will feed.

I pray God opens your eyes to your heart. That you may see what is his clear will. Not swallowing every message that man speaks but also not to rebel When you don't hear the full truth. If you become Grace and you become Truth and you become Love this is what the world needs. This is what your workplace needs. This is what your family needs. This is what we all need. Let it begin with us and let it spread like a wildfire.

For then we truly would be doing the will of God because we have become the will of God. In this place his will is unstoppable.

God Bless

Another Brother In Christ

Friday, July 16, 2010

Forgiveness where art thou?

In this world forgiveness it appears has gone missing. And it seems no one is looking for him. We have grown into a cold world of holding accountability to each others  throats. We all need forgiveness not only to flow onto us but to flow out of us. There are places and times in our lives where nothing can fix the damage we have caused. In this place we can only express sorrow, for the actions that no longer can be taken away, even though we wish hard that they could. In this place we are like a cold naked person shivering looking for a towel we stand exposed to the elements and the eyes. It is like the light is shining only to keep us revealed as imperfect.

Forgiveness is a Godly attribute that was clearly demonstrated by great love for us on the cross at Calvary. There Love held Himself to the cross till He Physically died in our place. Sin demanding it's wages. Forgiven, He said "it is finished". He alone had the power to hold us accountable or to release us from our debt. He chose to forgive us and gave up everything we hold dear, time on this earth. No greater love.

We can look at the scripture and see so many reasons why to forgive is better than holding onto anger or hurt. Jesus told us when we don't forgive another we are then held captive by that choice (John 20). It's easy to see this when someone does something to offend us and we don't forgive them then we live life governed by that unforgiven-es. Yet the offender may move on repent with the Lord and be walking in freedom why we are eaten up by our bitterness. Jesus told us when He was teaching us how to pray that if we don't forgive those who sin against us then we won't be forgiven by our Father in heaven.

Those are the benefits of forgiving someone even before they let you know they are sorry. But it is still a choice to make. There are other principals in scripture that carry benefits that many have a hard time following. The principal of tithing or the Principal of planting and harvest Prayer instead of worry. I could keep going on but the point is clear.

Forgiveness like the tithe is in the hand of the individual, to decide what he wants to do with it. We can't make others forgive us and can't make them see the offense. But we can become free from the bondage that bitterness locks us into by Just releasing them with a heart that understands they may never say sorry to us. In this place we unclog the flow from Heaven and allow God to heal us and take us forward into His kingdom.

God Bless you and may you soon release all those who have trespassed in your life.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty.

Many of us have gone to places that sell beverages. In these places they often set out containers of chips or nuts well dowsed with salt. The whole purpose is not to give you something but to make you something.

Luke 14:34 (New International Version) "Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? Jesus to tells us in this scripture that if salt loses it's saltiness it is worthless might as well throw it out. I have heard many people speak on this topic and yet few ever mention it in the way I am about to share with you.

Salt has many uses it can be a preservative and so I have heard how Christians are here as a preserving presence in the world. It also is a spice to color up the taste experience. From this thought I have heard how we are to make life here a little more zesty. And while these are good perspectives the one that moves me most concerning this scripture is when I focus in on the word saltiness.

Jesus didn't say if the salt won't preserve or if the salt is not spicy, He said if it loses it's saltiness. In this thought I realize he was saying just as the saltiness of salt makes us thirst for water or some other beverage. He wants us while we are here to have a thirsting effect on those around us. We should make others thirst for Him. However in this analogy He makes it clear we have no value in His ministry if we lose this ability.

We are living in a time when people are searching they are looking everywhere. To the governments the churches and philosophers to try and find truth. Christ in you is the only Hope of Glory The Father decided it this way. And he has place you as salt in their days to bring out the thirst for Him. Then He will draw His living water from you and give them to drink. Nothing more Refreshing than water when one is thirsty. But water without thirst is not to appealing.

Allow the Lord to lift you up out of your perspective and to see things in your life from His viewpoint. Let Him reveal to you how salty on not your are. Then in this place respond to Him, as he shows you where there is room for you to be more for Him.

God Bless
I hope somehow this made you thirsty again!

Monday, April 5, 2010

More Now Than Ever Draw Near.

It seems after a celebration when the crowds disappear we can sink into unhealthy places. It is always easier to follow the crowds. This includes the congregational worshiper,who seems to visibly love the Lord in the presence of others. Yet after the event they becomes silent not just because we can't see them but silent in reality.
Have we learned to love Him in solitude? If my love for another is only expressed when others can see it can I call that love? My wife would not stand for that. Then what would make us think that God is not wanting attention from us when we are alone. In fact it is the moments when we are alone with our love that we become most intimate with them. This should be true of our time with the Lord. It is in these time He reveals secrets to those He trusts. Consider the quiet times you have. Have you made Him the key part of those moments? Or do you curl up in a book or tv show? Perhaps you use that time to surf the web. We don't have to be doing bad things to miss this special time with Him.
I am not saying every quiet time should be prayer time. Yet we need to question the habits good an bad that we have become acclimated to, and challenge ourselves to go deeper in our love with Him. You will find yourself more prepared for time with others after you have spent time with the Lord.
It is hard to not love the ones you pray over and for. We need to learn to speak in these times with the Lord concerning others, before we rush out to others to talk about the Lord. A pre-prayer-d man is not easily provoked.
The Lord would come faithfully in the cool of the morning just to walk alone with Adam. And since he is no respecter of persons Not only would he set aside daily time with us too, He actually desires (craves) it more than we do.

Now Draw near to God, cleanse your hands and your hearts from sin, and be not double-minded but focus on him in that time, for in doing so He then will draw nearer to you.. James 4:8 (translation mine)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


As we continue in this time period which is unique to His-Story. A time when men struggle to be men and women desire to be what the media tells them men are. As children hold to the fairy tales hoping for a home of dreams. Where is the anchor for us in this time of storm? Who is holding the banner lifted high for the others to see and run in for refuge? The earth shakes violently from the disasters that occur natural and man made. the people cower looking for a place to rest but no rest comes.

Who will take the fallen banner and lift it and the ones who have fallen with it and raise them to the height where they belong. Who will stand for truth so that the lies will be exposed and then can fall to the ground? Who will bring the healing to a world crying for health? Who will provide love in the places it seems time forgot?

Will we wake from our medicated states of slumber, from our material induced forms of false peace? To a place of discontent with the world and all it has to offer. Will we put away the things of our childhood to take on the things of a mature man of God?


2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not

God only needs one man surrendered to Him to work through in this world. One man to enter the workplace. one man to change a city. one man to change a household. one man to bring Christ to the environment he walks in. Our call is not one to bring others to Christ but it is one to bring Christ to others!

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Value of a Man

When we leave this time of existence and are gathered together in heaven we will be first and foremost children in the presence of the Father. In this place we will no longer seek to learn, or strive for positions. We will have come into purest experiential presence of God and in this place where there is peace and joy beyond compare. Worship will be overflowing from our hearts through our lips in honor of the King standing amongst us.

Ephesians 1 3-10
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace 8 that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. 9 And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment—to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.

Before time, before man's fall, this was the dream in our Fathers heart. He Chose you and I before anything was made. there are no afterthoughts in His plan you were desired of Him. He Planned ahead of time and creation, that you would be His son through Jesus. He made plans to redeem us from our choices and put in place everthing to bring us back to Him. And to bring it all together under the Lordship of Christ.

When I think of all He has done to redeem every one, I realize the preciousness of His having each of us. I realize the prize paid for me as well as for you. Take a look at the Fathers investent in the ones around you and let it sink in the price He willingly paid for them. the importance they are to Him

Isn't it time we treated others according to the value he placed in them. NO one is worth less than the price He paid. To treat another or yourself as insignificant or worthless is to act as if you know better than God. Look again reconsider the value He placed on them. Fro the least to the greatest in your eyes. They all are equal in His heart and for us to treat them otherwise is missing the mark.

God Bless