Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jesus is the best ....

So many teachings and so many hearers yet so few achieve the level of the teachings.

We run from conference to conference reading book after book. we listen to cd's and tapes over and over till we can quote them verbatim. Yet it seems we still lack what it takes to produce what we hear. There has to be a barrier between what we know and what we do. and it all comes down to a genuine change of heart.

It is easy to walk in a pattern as long as there is no friction to bring resistance. Yet when confronted with a challenge who we are comes out not what we know. An extreme example is the man who hits his thumb while nailing with a hammer. the words and thoughts he expresses are the ones that are rooted in His heart. Scripture tells us in luke 6:45 out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. I remember hearing someone say under pressure what is inside will come out. Squeeze a lemon you get lemon juice an orange releases orange juice. Pressure on a person will reveal what is inside. It is becoming clear in this hour of presssure to others who we truly are.

It amazes me how we try to improve areas of our lives with the books and teachings, thinking this is what a christian is supposed to do. If I struggle with an addiction I will read up on bondage and liberation. If I am struggling with my income I will search out truths on finances. If my marriage is rough I go to a marriage seminar. Or if I have trouble with my children I read up on parenting and take a seminar on it. these things are not bad per say however it is not the way the Lord builds us. His desire is to enable all who believe to be come Sons see john 1:12 . If we would just allow the Holy spirit to do what it is that he was sent for this would come to pass.
John 16:13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.
Learn to look at sentence structure and see the emphasis here the emphasis is on "guiding us into all truth" I see this like a man who walks a horse gently by the reins to take him into a stall or a trailer. The scripture does not say he will show us the truth but that he will takes into it. This is where you no longer see it from the outside apart from it but now see through it as a part of it. Jesus is the truth he lived from the position of being the truth. You see the goal is to become more like Jesus. Jesus is the best husband, Father, friend , servant and so much more not because of what he knows but because of who he is. This is the place the Holy Spirit is wanting to take us into where we are not just hearers who try an do the works of the truth. But where we become Servants who desire to be the work of the truth

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

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